Registry Review – Ona Pitcher

Several people have asked me recently what my favorite things from our wedding registry are.  It’s one of those things where I can’t just pick one…so between crafty fun I’m going to recap a few of our faves and why.

Today we made the trip to our local Crate and Barrel to exchange some extra glasses… but since the bath mat we had our hearts set on wasn’t in stock we left with a gift card instead.  Now, I’ve decided I’ll be using it on a couple of these Ona Pitchers.  They come in two sizes and are quite stylish too!

onapitcher(photo source: Crate and Barrel)

So, I know you’re thinking but how can you review something you’ve never used.  In April some of my best friends and their moms honored me with a bridal coffee and the local hostess-with-the-most  had 4 of these pitchers she used for water and OJ.  I fell in love with them then and there.  They are the perfect size, and I love how they can be both simple and elegant.  These beauties can make store bought lemonade look homemade 🙂

3654932454_03de020704(photo source:  personal photo)


2 thoughts on “Registry Review – Ona Pitcher

  1. I am looking for the two sizes of the On a Pitcher and can only find the large. Can you help?

    • Sadly, I think C&B only carry the larger one now. Target now carries a similar pitcher as well, but it also comes in one size. I wonder if you might be able to locate a smaller one via ebay or one of the C&B outlet stores.

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